Following Minister Simon Harris' announcement yesterday, 25th September, regarding recommendations to move all third level teaching online where possible; CSM and CIT had already implemented a series of protective measures that align well with the level now requested. Therefore, the in-person classes and instrumental tuition will remain in-person as scheduled, and remote classes will continue as scheduled.
Junior Music and Drama provision is not impacted by these measures and will continue as planned. Musicianship and one-to-one lessons will continue in the school and will continue to do so unless advised otherwise.
Registration for First Year and Advanced Entry Students will continue from Monday 28 Sept to Friday 2 Oct. There is an active stewarding process in place facilitated by student leaders who ask all students to sanitise as well as ensure masks are worn. Students should expect the process to take 20 - 50 minutes.
Timetables that were sent out to all degree students will continue as planned with no change to any in-person tuition.
We are asking all students to cooperate fully with the raised level of protective measures both on and off campus.
Please follow on our website and social media for further updates as they are announced.