Update on CSM Activities from Tuesday 4th May

Posted on: Thursday, April 29, 2021

All Musicianship classes will return in-person to CSM commencing Tuesday 4th May. Please note that mask wearing is mandatory for students of all ages in the building, and hand sanitising and social distancing protocols apply. 

Musicianship classes will take place:
Tuesday 4th May - Monday 17th May (inclusive), and 
Monday 24th May - Saturday 5th June (inclusive)

Further classes between Tuesday 8th June and Saturday 12th June will be by arrangement with the class teacher.

There are no conservatoire musicianship classes the week of Tuesday 18-21 May (except for the Leaving Certificate class) due to Instrumental Grade Exams.

Please check your Google Classroom account for any further information.

Children who are unwell should not attend.

If your child's school/class has been closed or sent home due to a Covid-19 outbreak, please do not send your child to a lesson or class.


For all other activities including individual lessons and drama classes, please contact your teacher for more information.


For information on degree classes/lessons, please contact your lecturer.

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Semester Timeline


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