Enrolment Procedure

All applicants are advised to read the information below and familiarise themselves with the relevant sections on the School's website before making an application.


Important Notes

General Applications

  • Applicants who are not placed in a given year should reapply as waiting lists are not carried forward from year to year.
  • All primary school-age music students are required to take the Junior Musicianship course unless exceptional circumstances prevail (please contact the Head of Musicianship and Academic Studies).


Individual Lessons

  • When filling in the application form, please note that a ‘beginner’ is a student who has never taken lessons on the instrument/discipline for which they are applying. A ‘non-beginner’ is a student who has already received lessons on the instrument/discipline for which they are applying.
  • All applicants will be assessed and ranked; places are allocated by the relevant Head of Department as they become available (which is not necessarily only at the beginning of an academic year).
  • Only one place can be allocated to a beginner in any given year. In the event you have applied for, and been offered a place for another instrument/discipline, you will have to choose between the two offered.
  • Only those students who have successfully completed the first year of the School’s mainstream Musicianship course may apply as beginners for individual piano or violin tuition. Applications for these instruments (from beginner’s age, 6 – 8 years) will not be processed unless they have completed the first year of a Junior Musicianship programme.


Performing Ensembles

  • External students who wish to apply to join one of the School’s instrumental ensembles should contact the relevant Head of Department directly.


Application Forms

Applications for entry in September 2024 closed on 1 May 2024. 

Late applications can still be made but will only be processed subject to places being available - in some cases, processing of late applications will not take place until after Monday 2 September 2024 due to academic leave.


Applications for Kindermusic will open in August 2024.


Musicianship Classes

Musicianship Beginners
(Second and Third Class)
Musicianship Courses for Adults

Individual Lessons

Speech and Drama

Performing Ensembles

Beginner's Drama
Intermediate Drama
Youth Theatre
Junior Children's Chorus
Senior Children's Chorus
Union Choir

Semester Timeline


No Events Found for July

Color Reference

Semester Timeline


No Events Found for July

Color Reference