
Kindermusic creates a nurturing environment for pre-school children, and their parents, to develop a love of music‑making.

These classes are for children who will start formal education in September of the following year or year thereafter. Children attend one 30‑minute class each week for one year and experience musical activities in a playful manner with the emphasis on music making and enjoyment. Entry to this course is on a first-come, first-served basis. By participating in this class, your child may show early interest and readiness for formal music classes.

Please note that Kindermusic enrollees do not progress automatically to Junior Musicianship; an online application form must be submitted for these classes for the following year.



Pocodots is a once-weekly 45-minute class for Junior or Senior infants who may be interested in joining formal musicianship classes in the future but are not yet ready to commit to twice-weekly classes. Children develop rhythmic and singing skills through child-centred experiential learning. Entry to this course is on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that Pocodots enrollees do not progress automatically to Junior Musicianship; an online application form must be submitted for these classes for the following year.

All children must complete at least one year of a mainstream musicianship programme in order to be considered for instrumental tuition at Cork School of Music.


Musicianship Classes

Our Musicianship classes aim to develop students’ aural and notation skills in an active and enjoyable way.

The Musicianship programme operates at both Junior (primary school) and Senior (secondary school) levels.


Junior Musicianship

All music students are required to attend Musicianship classes in conjunction with their instrumental lessons
(except Suzuki beginners). Applications for instrumental lessons from beginners up to the age of 8 years are only accepted from those who have successfully completed at least one year in a Musicianship class.


Music Beginners (Junior Infants): This is an 8‑year Musicianship programme for children who have shown an early interest in music and singing. The elements of pulse, rhythm and pitch are introduced and consolidated in an age‑appropriate way, involving the exploration of children’s rhymes, games and songs. All applicants to this programme are invited to attend for an informal audition in late May/early June. Children who demonstrate early potential may be offered a place on a twice-weekly class (Code J1+) programme. Children who are not yet ready to join a formal class and who may benefit from an additional year of enhancement will be offered a Pocodots class which is a once weekly 45-minute class for one year only.


Music Beginners (Senior Infants): The S1 Programme is a 7‑year Musicianship course for children who have already completed a year of formal school education. Children develop the ability to sing in tune, identify rhythm and metre, and recognise instruments through a carefully chosen repertoire of songs, rhymes and singing games. All applicants to this programme are invited to attend for an informal audition in late May/early June. Children who demonstrate early potential may be offered a place on an S1+ programme, which is a 7‑year course for children with particular emphasis on performance (Code S1-S7/S1+-7+).


Music Beginners (First, Second or Third Class): Places are offered on a first‑come, first‑served basis. Classes are 45-minutes long twice-weekly initially. Consideration is given to the child’s stage in school when allocating places. In the first year children will learn to sing in tune and to feel and keep the beat in a piece of music. Children may apply to start an instrument at the end of their first year. Acceptance for instrumental tuition is subject to participation in a Musicianship Class, an assessment by the appropriate Department, and the availability of places.


Windwise: This is a special two‑year programme run by the Musicianship Department for Second to Fourth Class students. Entry to the programme is by audition. Twice‑weekly hour-long classes combine recorder lessons and musicianship studies. Students are introduced to different instruments over the course of two years and good foundations are established for the study of any instrument, including wind or brass instruments. It is highly recommended for those students who have a strong interest in wind or brass but are not physically large enough yet to apply for an instrument. Students may apply for the instrument of their choice during their second year and are automatically integrated into a mainstream Musicianship Class on completion of the Windwise programme.


Access Musicianship Classes may be offered to students in Third Class and upward, who are instrumental students of MTU Cork School of Music and need to be placed in a Musicianship class, or to external instrumental students, with the aim of integration into the appropriate Musicianship class. Interested applicants must have a minimum of two years of instrumental tuition on a music-reading instrument (including bass clef). Applicants will be assessed.


Senior Musicianship


Senior Musicianship is an elective Musicianship course intended for those with a serious interest in music. Entry to the Senior  Musicianship Programme is based on a minimum achievement (70%) in all aspects of the Junior Musicianship final examination, the recommendation of the class teacher and completion of primary school.


The Leaving Certificate Music Class is a one‑year course available to applicants who have completed SM3 prior to applying (if a student does not fulfil the criteria for admission to the course, they should contact directly for advice). Please note that all applicants to this course will be required to undergo an assessment test. If you are taking the Leaving Certificate next June, please apply before the closing date for applications.


Adult Courses


Musicianship Skills for Adults: Adults who wish to develop and/or enhance their musical skills may enrol for this weekly class. This course is particularly suited to choral singers or parents wishing to engage with their children’s musicianship learning. Participants are introduced to the elements of pitch and rhythm through music‑making. Learners are also afforded the opportunity to perform class material on percussion instruments, recorder, and keyboard in addition to singing. There are currently three levels of Musicianship Skills for Adults. Beginners (no experience necessary) may progress from Level 1 to 2 and then to 3 where more advanced concepts are introduced.


Sightsinging for Singers: This weekly class facilitates those who would like to develop their sightsinging skills in a group setting. This course is popular with those who sing in choirs and with parents wishing to support their children in their musicianship studies.


CPD Courses for Teachers: Short courses aimed at pre‑school, primary and post‑primary school teachers offering Skill Enhancement, Choir Direction, Music Technology, and Curriculum support. For information, please contact

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