Programme Overview

The Masters in Music & Technology focuses on the use of technology to enhance music creation of all kinds. Core studies include computer music, recording studio, acoustics and psychoacoustics, and sound synthesis. New skills are taught and existing ones enhanced, in both technical and artistic areas. Students are encouraged to explore a variety of complementary skills through electives; these include subjects from multimedia, music performance, engineering, and computer science. The ethos of the programme is a “hands-on” approach and core studies are assessed primarily by project work throughout the year.


MTU Cork School of Music is a purpose-built conservatory building that is one of the finest facilities for music education in all of Europe with an amazing technological infrastructure. See here for more details on the facilities.


Our teaching staff come from a variety of areas of expertise: music performance and composition, art, multimedia, business, electronic engineering, computer programming and many more. Each staff member has an interest in Music & Technology and the integration of the diverse disciplines is discussed and contextualised in the computer music classes and industry seminars.


The Masters in Music & Technology at MTU Cork School of Music is a full-time 12-month intensive programme with two pathways - Master of Science or Master of Arts - depending on the electives chosen. The programme is designed to take full advantage of the technological resources of the Cork School of Music.


Instagram interview: Dr Ciara Glasheen-Artem in conversation with Hugh McCarthy (Music & Technology MA Course Coordinator)


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